Want To Get Involved?

  • Join the Lions

    Join us in making a difference! As a Lion, you’ll join a local group of service-minded men and women who are working together to strengthen your community. You’ll also be part of something bigger—a worldwide network of dedicated volunteers in over 46,000 clubs. Be the difference in your community. Be a Lion!

  • Give a Donation

    Not everyone has time to participate in events! You can still provide much needed assistance with donations to the Lions. Please indicate if there is a specific fund you want the donation to support.

  • Corporate Support

    Our corporate sponsors are important contributors to the Sutton Lions. Major events are key opportunities to get your business' name out in the community as charitable contributors!

  • Volunteer

    Not everyone is ready to become a member, but you can still provide much needed assistance of your valued time and expertise! Our latest community project was some restoration of the nature trail behind the schools. Reach out to any of our officers or come to a meeting to learn more!

  • Attend an Event

    Consider supporting the Lions by attending the local events that the Sutton Lions support and sponsor! The community spirit is incredible!